
Space maintainer: when is it used and what types exist

4 minutos A space maintainer is used when a milky tooth has exfoliated before its time. Children may experience an early tooth loss for various reasons, the most prevalent ones are due to cavities and to dental trauma. In these cases, it is important to prevent the adjacent teeth from invading the empty space that the exfoliated […]

Space maintainer: when is it used and what types exist Read More »

Mordida cruzada en niños

What is a dental crossbite in children and how is it corrected?

5 minutos The dental crossbite in children is an alteration in the relation of the teeth when biting, thus preventing the child from having a correct occlusion. This disorder can cause pain in the temporomandibular joint, asymmetric development, language problems and other issues. Since It is a fairly common pathology that occurs during childhood, in the following

What is a dental crossbite in children and how is it corrected? Read More »

Bruxismo en niños

Bruxism in children: Main causes and how to prevent it

4 minutos Bruxism in children is a relatively common occurrence that can happen at any age, even in infants. It is the habit of unconsciously clenching or grinding the teeth, which usually happens at night during sleep. This condition occurs in more than 20% of the population, regardless of age. There are many causes: sleep disorders, psychological

Bruxism in children: Main causes and how to prevent it Read More »

Invisible aligners for children and adolescents: What are the advantages?

3 minutos The main concern of parents is undoubtedly the health of their children. For this reason, they look for the most effective and least painful solutions to treat each discomfort they may have. One of the aspects that we take care of from the moment they first appear are the teeth, which we teach them to

Invisible aligners for children and adolescents: What are the advantages? Read More »

tratamiento ortopedico

Importance of orthopedic treatment in growing children

3 minutos The importance of orthopedic treatment in growing children is tremendous, since with the early detection of skeletal and dental malformations we will avoid skeletal and functional problems. At Moonz we recommend the first orthodontic check-up in children between 6 and 7 years of age, it is never too early to pay special attention to dental

Importance of orthopedic treatment in growing children Read More »


Advantages of the use of fixed appliances vs. removable appliances in ortophedic phases

3 minutos Many associates fixed or removable appliances in adolescence stages, without knowing that the field of orthodontics may be present in a baby’s mouth for different reasons depending on dental development; Today there are many types of orthodontics: preventive, interceptive, dentomaxillary, corrective, orthognathic, among others. Orthodontics is key to having good oral health, they are also

Advantages of the use of fixed appliances vs. removable appliances in ortophedic phases Read More »

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