Dental Health

Qué es la deglución atípica

Atypical swallowing: What is it and how can it be treated?

4 minutos Swallowing is the act of passing food from the mouth into the oesophagus. It is a rather complex reflex involving various structures of the respiratory, digestive, and neurological systems, among others, in a coordinated way. This process differs between children and adults. This is because it changes as the baby develops. If the child does […]

Atypical swallowing: What is it and how can it be treated? Read More »

Symptoms and treatment of oral sores or aphthous ulcers in children

Symptoms and treatment of oral sores or aphthous ulcers in children

3 minutos From the Greek aphtay, which means “burning”, oral aphthae are lesions that are actually mild. This type of lesion affects the epithelium of the mucosa, i.e., they occur superficially on the mucosal lining. However, these ulcerous-vesicular lesions are often painful, especially in children. They can appear both as isolated and larger lesions with an irregular

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Primera visita al dentista. First orthodontic check-up for children

First orthodontic check-up for children

3 minutos Most parents think they should wait until their child reaches his teenage years before visiting the orthodontist for the first time as braces are often associated with puberty. In reality, it is recommended to begin much sooner with the orthodontic treatment. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) states that all children should have had their

First orthodontic check-up for children Read More »

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