Dental Health

What is childhood gingivitis and what is its treatment?

4 minutos Gingivitis is a fairly common disease in both children and adults, characterized by inflammation, redness and bleeding gums. In the following article we will explain the main causes and symptoms of childhood gingivitis in order to treat it on time, whenever it is present. What is childhood gingivitis? Childhood gingivitis is a mild periodontal disease,

What is childhood gingivitis and what is its treatment? Read More »

mordida abierta en niños

What is open bite in children and how can it be corrected?

4 minutos Open bite is one of the most common malocclusions that develop during childhood. This type of bite can have various consequences in the future if it is not treated in time, both aesthetically and functionally, as it can also influence language development. For this reason, in the following article we will explain why it is

What is open bite in children and how can it be corrected? Read More »

Disyuntor dental

Dental circuit breaker: What is it and how does it work?

4 minutos The dental circuit breaker is one of the most common appliances in interceptive orthodontics, whose main aim is to treat problems of transversal and sagittal malocclusion at an early age with the help of other appliances. Interceptive orthodontics is a form of paediatric orthodontics that aims to control the development of the bony structures during

Dental circuit breaker: What is it and how does it work? Read More »

Ventajas del escáner intraoral

Advantages of the intra-oral scanner in invisible orthodontics

3 minutos Numerous dental techniques are currently being developed. Thanks to these techniques, it is now possible to reduce the waiting time at the beginning of orthodontic treatment. These advances offer great advantages for the patient and a much more accurate result. Therefore, today we would like to share with you all the details about the intraoral

Advantages of the intra-oral scanner in invisible orthodontics Read More »

Pulpectomía en niños

What is a pulpectomy in children and when is it performed?

3 minutos Dental caries is one of the most common bacterial diseases that causes demineralisation of the tooth structure due to the acids produced by bacterial plaque. This disease affects both the milk teeth and the permanent teeth and has therefore become one of the main concerns of parents when they visit their child’s dentist. When the

What is a pulpectomy in children and when is it performed? Read More »

Pulpotomía en niños

Pulpotomy in children: What is it and how is it performed?

3 minutos Dental caries has become one of the most common chronic childhood diseases. This pathology causes demineralisation of the tooth enamel due to the acids produced by bacterial plaque. It is a disease that affects both the permanent teeth and the milk teeth, which is why it is important to treat caries in time at a

Pulpotomy in children: What is it and how is it performed? Read More »

Caries en niños

Caries in children: What are the causes and how can they be prevented?

3 minutos Taking care of children’s mouths is important because they are at the same risk as adults for certain gum diseases and health problems. One of the most common diseases in children is tooth decay, which is usually caused by poor oral hygiene or the excessive consumption of certain sugary foods. In this article, our pediatric

Caries in children: What are the causes and how can they be prevented? Read More »

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