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Halloween is a party that, without a doubt, reminds us of America, in the United States it’s one of the most important holidays of the year that has been celebrated since the 19th century chilling way and all the children, teenagers and adults go trick-or-treating with their neighbors and friends. However, this festival began to be celebrated in Spain much earlier, from the fourth century specifically.

In Europe, Halloween parties actually originate from the Celtic New Year. Despite the fact that, in those times, it was the end of one year and the beginning of the other, this festival has been modified according to those who are no longer there, alluding to ceasing to be in order to depart from one world to another.

Halloween today

Currently Halloween is a date for fun and celebration of all ages, behind are the pagan festivals. When the date approaches we can find a great variety of costumes, paintings, decorative elements and much more to celebrate in style “the night of the dead” or the “night of the witches”

This party may not be celebrated all over the world, but in most countries you can find different celebrations and festivities on these dates. The arrival of the Irish due to the famine in the United States undoubtedly marked a before and after in its culture, because as we discussed earlier, it is one of the most important festivals of the year in that country.

Halloween costume ideas to make with your children at home

Many times, it’s a headache to start doing crafts or preparing work for our children’s school. Halloween is approaching and therefore we give you some simple ideas to create the most fun costume and also have a good time with your children. May this date not become a problem! On the contrary: Enjoy it! Here are our recommendations:

– Witch Costume: It is simply iconic and will never go out of style. For the wardrobe you will only need a black shirt and black pants or skirt, you can add some fun colored stockings and for the hat use felt or other elements. The more pointed the hat looks, the better!

– Mummies: another classic of Halloween parties, despite being able to make this costume with toilet paper, we recommend that you use some old white sheet or cloth that you do not use, since children will want to play, jump and jump and the paper will not will endure this journey.

– Zombies: one of the most coveted costumes for children and adults, and undoubtedly the easiest to do at home. Take a shirt and pants that you can get dirty without problem and add stains of red paint to them, if you want to give a more real touch you can create “wounds” in these stains with gelatin, glue and chalk and glitter.

– Vampires: without a doubt, one of our favorite costumes and that is that some fangs are simply impressive. For the vampire costume you will only need black pants and a white shirt. To add a more special touch, with velcro you can make a vest, and voila! Your little Dracula is ready to have fun.

– Ghost: being one of the most used costumes of absolutely all time, we have seen variations of it more times than we can remember. The days of wearing eye hole sheets are long gone because it was uncomfortable for children not to have such free mobility. At Moonz we recommend that you make a white “poncho” with a skull or eyes with felt and fabric. You will only need black and white felt and scissors to recreate the ideal and comfortable ghost costume for your little ones.

At Moonz we celebrate Halloween with you

That’s how it is! Everything that makes children happy is a great satisfaction for us, and without a doubt, the fun of these dates can not only be taken advantage of on Halloween, we can start celebrating and enjoying from home, for example, making our own costumes. Are you up for it?

Involving children in the creation of their costumes will be a very special moment, sharing with the little ones in the house doing crafts can be very beneficial for family health and for the health of children. Concentrating on a task contributes to psychomotor development, it also helps creativity and concentration. Performing manual activities with children helps them understand what patience and stress are, improving their cognitive and social skills.

Including children in creative processes is excellent for their health, and especially for their self-esteem, which, in short, is the most important thing. Being able to accomplish and complete tasks gives them a sense of responsibility and pride in accomplishing something for themselves.

Happy Halloween!

If you dare to make a costume, do not hesitate to send us a photo and tell us about your experience, without a doubt, you will have a great time as a family creating and making your costumes. At Moonz we wish you all a happy Halloween!

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